Thursday, December 6, 2018

Serious business

Let people dress as they please, express themselves, that's their business. Nobody cares. I don't care. It becomes a problem when people get the wrong idea, and, for example:
1) they believe that because they really wish they were the opposite sex and conform to opposite sex stereotypes for appearance and mannerisms, it actually makes them the opposite sex; or

2) children who in their childish whimsies (or reactions to trauma) begin to say they are really the opposite sex, and adults put them aboard a one-way medicalized train to trans-town.

ALL purported scientific evidence for the existence of some "innate gender identity" is grossly exaggerated, over-hyped, spun, misinterpreted and lied about. There is no evidence that any such thing exists.

Similarly, there is NO rigorous scientific evidence for benefit of an illusory medicalized "transition" in people who claim to be (or wish they were) the opposite sex. Existing evidence amounts merely to elaborate exercises in confirmation bias, selection bias, missing data and pretending that investigators' sloppy research methods were adequate. Current investigators count on most people having little knowledge about the relative evidentiary value of scientific research.

It's not enough that trans-hands are quickly raised, "I'm doing fine." Sure, I would have said that too, for the 13 years that I, a male, medically-masqueraded as a female. I awoke from that trance rather suddenly in 2013, and ceased trying to create the impression I was a "woman." A review of follow-up reports from early clinicians does suggest that a few patients found relief from the chaos and instability that had previously marked their lives; but this was not always the case (Meyer & Reter, 1979). Patients who had been denied medical "transition" were observed to have fared just as well as those who had gone under the trans-knife (Meyer & Reter, 1979). Then, as now, losses to follow-up were high; suicides were high; investigators seldom mention that such patients may have experienced regret. Meanwhile, if "regret" is even assessed, it is defined very narrowly. This is why we often hear the transprop about a "low regret rate." I'll tell you what, wait a few years and the regret rate is likely pretty darn high.

In short, evidence for benefit in the few, highly-selected, gate-kept patients of bygone days is sparse and unconvincing, and is matched by similar objective improvement in the lives of patients who had just carried on. Nowadays, however, the barn doors are wide open and "gender clinics" for all age groups are popping up everywhere. Thousands of children and young people are currently being "transed." Few if any clinicians even bother adhering to the WPATH "guidelines" -- "trans" services in the United States are essentially "on demand." This will not end well.

It's hard to imagine, but girls as young as age 13 are now having their breasts cut off so that they can pretend to be men for the rest of their (probably shortened) lives (Olson-Kennedy et al, "Chest Reconstruction and Chest Dysphoria in Transmasculine Minors," JAMA Pediatrics 2018). Plastic surgeons are flaying & inverting the genitalia of boys as young as age 15, creating a pseudo-"vagina" that will require intense lifelong maintenance. These surgeons admit that they prefer to do such procedures on boys who are still in high school, because their parents will be able to help them more (Milrod & Karasic, "Age is Just a Number," J Sex Med 2017). 

So many horrific things are in motion now with this socially-engineered mass confusion about sex and gender that I can't even begin to enumerate them here. I am all for people expressing themselves if it doesn't harm other people or society. They are entitled to their beliefs as well, but they are not entitled to gaslight, socially engineer or intimidate the rest of society into going along with their niche interpretation of reality.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this excellent post A. I miss your posts on Twit since I was permabanned for linking to this one local predator's details on Gender Identity Watch.

    Are you writing anywhere else? I hope we can spread your message and that everyone is so heroically pro-trans (generally without thinking it through) will listen to the truth. I've posted your 'no such thing as trans' essay multiple times.

    More and more detransitioners are coming out on YouTube. I'm very happy about that. They've overcome massive obstacles and are finally able to understand the truth about themselves, reality and about transactivism.


Serious business

Let people dress as they please, express themselves, that's their business. Nobody cares. I don't care. It becomes a problem whe...